Duration – 7 min.
Commissioned by Hoff-Barthelson Music School in partnership with Copland House
The Light list is a detailed record of all light houses, buoys, fog horns, and other coastal signals used to warn ships of potential danger. Maintained by most seafaring nations, this comprehensive document even includes information on any obstructions that might impede the sailors line of sight depending upon their direction of travel. Though I now live in Boston, I’ve spent the vast majority of my life in landlocked areas. After a year living in New England, I’ve had a chance to see several lighthouses and have found them to be quite fascinating. While their solitary grandeur stands in stark beauty against the coastal landscape, their purpose is largely utilitarian. They stand as a reminder that the sea is truly a dangerous place and, regardless of the breadth of our technological advances, we must respect the vast power of our oceans and waterways.